
This site was created to develop an online history of the photogram and to include both historical and contemprary photogram images.
This site will continuously be updated. I invite others to contribute text and images to help fill in gaps and to improve the content of the site. If you are aware of photographers or other artists who have created photograms but who are not listed here, please let me know biographical information e.g. names, years of birth and death, and if possible if the photographers are referenced either in books or other printed sources. If you can forward reproductions of works and/or biographies of these photographers I will add them to my site. If you find any errors in any of the information, also please let me know. I appreciate all contributions toward making this an interesting and reliable resource.
Information can be contributed in the form of email (text and images) for potential inclusion on this site. Images submitted should be .tiffs or .jpegs that are ~500 x 500 in size.
Historical images from galleries that can be included would be greatly appreciated. Each gallery will be listed as contributing the image to the site.
Thank you in advance.
Les Rudnick
A recent publication, "The Daily Book of Photography" included a photogram of mine . I am currently working on a series of botanical color photograms.
More ontent added. I am also preparing imagery to accompany several of the entries and to add to my portfolios. Thank you to the many artists who have contacted me and provided needed information on themselves and other photogramists.
I have added to many of the entries in the different chapters for those of you who look at this site regularly. I am in the process of photographing many of my new photograms that I will add to existing or new portfolios in the coming weeks.
A group of my black and white silver-gelatin photograms are being displayed this month as organized by the Newark Arts Alliance, Newark, DE. These images are more representational of common objects than many of my more recent photograms..
I have just displayed a set of 14 black and white silver-gelatin photograms at the 202A Gallery in State College, PA where my photograms and other images are regularly shown.
I have been adding regularly to this site and have more material to add than I seem to have time to accomplish it all. I expect to be adding a variety of new images in the very near future.
I continue to expand this resourse on the art of the photogram.
Please email any information (or jpegs) on any of the following artists:
Jean Mowat
Jane Edwards
Edmund Kesting
Frantisek Dritkol
George Zimin
Margaret de Patta
Jerzy Kujawski
Karol Hiller
David Robbons
Jindrich Heisler
I am interested in any information, biographical or otherwise, about the following photographers/artists, including examples of photograms these artists created:
Gyorgy Kepes, silver-gelatin photograms and cliche-verre
Arthur Siegel
Lois Field c1949, silver-gelatin photograms
William Keck, c1939
Myron Kozman, c1938 silver-gelatin photograms
Allan Porter, c1940, silver-gelatin photograms
Max Pritikin, c1946, silver-gelatin photograms
George Barford, c1939, silver-gelatin photograms, worked with Lazlo Moholy-Nagy
Heike Bartels
David Berg
Christopher Bucklow
Ellen Carey
Alain Gerard Clement
Christopher Giglio
Jonathan Kline
Daniel Levin
Amanda Means
Daro Montag
Cheryl Van Hooven
James Welling
Does anyone know where I might get a copy (translated into English would even be better) of the following?
Dora Maurer, Fentyelvtan [Light-syntax] On the Photogram, publication sponsored by the National Cultural Fund Program, the Budapest Fine Arts Fund, the Hungart Copyright Protection Office, the Hungarian Acadamy of Fine Arts and the Esztergom Leisure Centre. (see the C3 Gallery: Center for Culture and Communication, Budapest, 1014 Orszaghaz utca 9.
Floris Nuesuss, Das Fotogramm in der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts